Summary of Action Steps at Local Level


  • Provide Proper Supervision On Playgrounds
  • Design Age-Appropriate Playgrounds
  • Provide Proper Surfacing Under and Around Playground Equipment
  • Keep Playground Equipment Properly Maintained

  1. Assess current playgrounds for age-appropriate design.
  2. Review the United States CPSC's Handbook for Public Playground Safety for guidance in determining the correct size of equipment and appropriate physical layouts for playgrounds.
  3. Consult various publications for information concerning the developmental needs of children.
  4. Consider criteria for purchasing and selecting equipment.
  5. Compare selection criteria with manufacturer's description of equipment.
  6. Conduct regular evaluations of playgrounds to determine needed improvements.
  7. Develop a written plan for the a) retention, b) modification and c) acquisition of playground equipment.

Actions to Design Age-Appropriate Playgrounds:

Information provided by the National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS)

Take Action

Actions to Provide Proper Fall Surfacing Under and Around Equipment:

  1. Conduct an on-site investigation of current surfaces found under and around playground equipment.
  2. Examine all surfacing for depth, contamination, coverage and compaction.
  3. Advocate for safe surfaces under and around playground equipment.
  4. Consider necessary criteria for selection of new surfaces.
  5. Help provide data concerning proper surfacing to Safe at Play.
  1. Conduct an appraisal of supervisory needs.
  2. Create a supervisory blueprint for each playground.
  3. Educate children and adults about the safe use of playground equipment.
  4. Inform the general public about proper supervisory practices.
  5. Monitor current supervisory practices to determine areas where improvement can occur.
  6. Share data concerning effective supervisory practices with Safe at Play.

Actions to Keep Playground Equipment Properly Maintained:

improving playground safety

knowledge, understanding, and accountability!


Actions to Provide Proper Supervision On Playgrounds:

  1. Develop written maintenance and inspection policies for the ongoing maintenance, repair and replacement of playground equipment and surfacing.
  2. Develop joint maintenance agreements between agencies who share playground facilities.
  3. Review maintenance practices and procedures.
  4. On an ongoing basis, provide maintenance personnel with training on playground assessment, inspections, and maintenance procedures.
  5. Maintain documentation for all playground equipment and surfaces.